Local Governing Committee

Key Information

Esteem Multi-Academy Trust

Government Advice

Governance at Esteem North Academy and Being Part of the Esteem Multi Academy Trust

Esteem North Academy is part of the Esteem Multi Academy Trust. Strong and effective governance was an important building block when Esteem was formed back in 2018 and continues to be an important factor of the Trust’s continued success. Having local governing Committees (LGCs), previously named Local Governing Boards (LGBs) in place at the schools within Esteem is a key part of the Trust’s governance structure.

Trustees and Governors

The Trust ‘Esteem’ has a Board of Directors, known as the Trust Board. The Trust Board, led by their Chair, has legal responsibilities and is the accountable decision making body of Esteem. The Trust Board is responsible for all the schools that sit within the Trust. LGBs work as part of the committee structure of the Trust Board and the Esteem North Academy LGB sits as part of this local tier of governance . We are proud that Esteem North Academy has an experienced and established local governing board in place. The LGB meets regularly, and our governors are part of the fabric of our academy and work together to fulfil their governance role making a positive impact on our academy, our pupils and the communities we serve.

Our safeguarding Governor for Esteem North Academy is David Symons. 



Our Governance Structure

Please click here to see more information about the structure and the register of interests for The Esteem MAT Members, Trustees, Executive Team and Accounting Officer Central Governance Documents | Esteem MAT

Please click here to access the Esteem Multi Academy Trust central governance and financial information. This includes the Esteem MAT Articles of Association, Funding Agreement, our audited accounts and Annual Report. Statutory Documents | Esteem MAT

What Do Our Governors Do?

Our governors are all volunteers. They come from different walks of life, bringing with them a wealth of knowledge and experience. Our governors work collectively and meet as a board every half term.

Our governors often hold link roles which means they have strategic monitoring and reporting responsibilities that are aligned to specific areas for example safeguarding and keeping our pupils safe, SEND and school improvement priorities.  

Our governors work together to:

  • develop a vision and strategy for the academy
  • oversee the financial performance of the academy and make sure its money is well spent
  • hold the academy and its leaders to account to ensure that every pupil has the best possible education
  • engage with pupils, staff, parents and the academy community to understand their views.

Our Governance Key Roles

At Trust Level;

Chair of Esteem Trust Board – Mark Emly

Vice Chair of Trust Board – Dawn Butler

Safeguarding Link Trustee and Link Trustee for ENA – Martin Finch

SEND Link Trustee – Craig Kennady

Trust Accounting Officer – Julian Scholefield (CEO)

At Local Governing Board Level; 

The roles carried out by our governors include;

Chair of Governing Board – Candace Steele

Link Governor for Safeguarding- Candace Steele

Link Governor for Pupil premium – Candace Steele

Link Governor for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) – Isabela Tatu

Link Governor for Careers – Elizabeth Hess

Link Governor for Health and safety – Andrew Brooks


Be a Governor in our academy - Join us and make a difference!

We currently have a vacancy for an additional governor. Being a governor is a really rewarding role and we would welcome a chat with you if you are interested in applying to join our governing board.

Please see some links below that take you to more information about being a governor and a video that tells you about what the role entails. To express an interest and to get in touch please email us at support@esteemnorthacademy.co.uk

Click here for a video about the role of a governor https://youtu.be/mRqJ_bFipHk

EMAT Role of Academy Governor.pdf

Resources for volunteers wishing to become a school governor;

Governors for Schools – Effective Governors, Excellent Schools

Become a school governor – Inspiring Governance