What our parents and carers have to say…

We value parent and carer feedback in our academy. We love hearing how parents see a positive change in their child at home and a change in their attitude towards school. Please find some of our current parents and carers comments below. If you would like to offer feedback about your child’s experience in our academy then please contact your site lead.

“My grandson has had a good start to school and I am pleased with the support he has received. It is like having a different child at home, he actually gets up wanting to go to school. I feel my grandson has made good progress whilst attending school and this reflects in his behaviour at home, we have seen massive positive changes and I can’t thank the staff enough.”


“I am happy with the progress that my daughter has made this term, especially with her attendance. She is now attending afternoon lessons regularly and is happy while she is at school. The academy have supported my daughter to apply to college and she now has a clear vision of her future.”

Mum of Year 11 Pupil

“My daughter now gets up and engages in her 1-1 sessions. I am pleased that the academy is able to provide a bespoke package which includes education at home to reduce my daughters anxieties.”

Mum of Year 11 Pupil

“I am happy with the progress and targets that my son has achieved this term and the improvements he is making. My sons’ mental health is an issue, but support is in place for him, and the family feels supported. My son has settled well into his form group and has made some positive peer relationships.”

Dad of new pupil during Spring review

“My daughter has enjoyed her start at her new school. She seems to have settled in well and I can see positive change in her behaviour at home. I am pleased with how well she has adjusted to a new school. I am extremely happy with her progress at school and I have seen a massive difference in her behaviour and attitude at home. My daughter enjoys her time at school and wants to attend and is proud when she achieves certificates at the end of a week.”

Dad of Year 8 Pupil

“My son has talks about the positive relationships with staff, how he is allowed to have a sense of humour here and how staff are caring and nurturing towards him.  My son is doing better with his mental health, and he looks forward to his 1:1 tutor at home who helps him prepare for his GCSE exams. My son has applied to go to Chesterfield College and I am proud that he has enrolled to become a Plumber.”

Mum of Year 11 Pupil

The support received from NEDSC for my son has been excellent and he has really enjoyed his time and feels the placement has been successful. He is in the best possible place to make a success of his chosen qualifications.  

 Thank you to everyone at NEDSC for working with us and my son.”

Mum of Y11 Dual Registered Pupil

“I am very happy with my sons progress and time at NEDSC. I wish he had been excluded in Year 7 as he would have made much more progress. I am really pleased with his progress and attitude to English as he used to hate English at his mainstream school. Staff have  understood his ADHD and ASD and they have considered this when teaching him. Thank you!” 

Mum of Year 11 Pupil

“I am very pleased with his progress and his stay at NEDSC. He now has firm goals after school with his college placement and is grateful for the support he has received to engage in his construction placement. His behaviour in and out of school has also improved and he seems so much more content now.”

Carer of Year 11 Pupil

“I am very pleased with my son’s progress since joining NEDSC. His attendance has been much better than when he was in Mainstream school as he has liked the flexibility the centre offered. He likes his form group and has made positive relationships with staff and students quite quickly. Thankyou for the help and support you have given my son whilst struggling with his mental health. I am very happy he has a place at Chesterfield College in September.”

Mum of Year 11 Pupil

“We are both really pleased with the level of care that our daughter receives at school with NEDSC. We used to receive sometimes 4 negative phone calls a day from her previous school and when we did go to a meeting, the teachers failed to turn up and I don’t feel that they genuinely knew or cared for our daughter and ‘just wanted her out’. However, I know that staff at NEDSC know our daughter really well and that you are on her side to support her, and she is flourishing. She looks forward to coming back to school after the holidays which has never happened before!”   

Parents of Y9 Pupil

“He has really loved the centre so far, and he was so, so happy in the car ride home yesterday. He was full of enthusiasm telling me about the cooking, and the other children and how he thought the little boy who got star of the week so deserved it.“
Mum of Year 4 Pupil