What our primary mainstream schools had to say about our nurture curriculum…

We value stakeholder feedback in our academy. We love hearing how our partner schools see a positive change in their child’s attitude and behaviour both in school and at home. Please find some feedback from some of this years mainstream schools about our dual registered primary pupils. Prior to November 2023 we were commissioned for short term, dual registered nurture placements. 

We have found the Barrow Hill Support Centre extremely effective in supporting our most vulnerable children at a time where they have needed it the most. We have seen first hand the positive effects your interventions have had after having pupils successfully reintegrate back into school after the 26 weeks programme. We have evidently seen children more emotionally regulated, content and resilient towards situations that they would have previously found difficult. 

We couldn’t be without the support of Barrow Hill!

Thank you for everything!

The placement for our pupil has been a positive experience.  He has enjoyed his placement and has responded well to the afternoon sessions.  Whilst he has benefitted from the sessions, his extensive SEMH needs mean that he still needs significant additional support.  We continue to work closely with NEDSC to support a smooth transition back to full-time mainstream education.

Thank you so much to you and your team for the huge amount that you did for our pupil in the time he was with you. I really did see a differnce in him, and it breaks my heart to think of how happy and relaxed he was on leaving yoou on that Thursday morning. It was the first time in a long time that I had seen him like that; proud of himself and accepting of that too as well as how happy he was for his new friends. 

Our pupil has been attending the Barrow Hill site since October 2022. In that time our pupil has had a very mixed year and displayed a mixture of behaviour and safeguarding issues at home, school and Barrow Hill. Communication has been fantastic and staff have prioritised our pupil’s welfare and mental health. They have attended many additional meetings with myself and other professionals. When asked for any form of paper work or notes we have received these promptly and in full. Members of my staff have had to attend the Barrow Hill site since April along with our pupils and staff have been supportive and any issues have been effectively managed.

Our pupil has attended all sessions unless he has been poorly or had a medical appointment. They have had a difficult time this past year and being at NEDSC has allowed him to still be able to attend school. I feel that without the placement at NEDSC he may not be attending mainstream education at the moment.

Year 6 pupil school feedback

The impact on our pupil has been remarkable.  From the very first week, the difference in his attitude and demeanour was apparent and he was arriving to us each morning feeling calmer and more positive.  It was as if he recognised that we were all trying to work with him to provide an opportunity to break negative patterns of behaviour he had become stuck in.  He began engaging in his mainstream lessons more often and was more willing to work and follow adult direction.  The communication and support from Barrow Hill has been consistently excellent and it has been a pleasure to work with them.  As would be expected, there has been ups and downs in our pupil’s behaviour at home, with us and at Barrow Hill but we have worked as a team, along with his mum, to ensure that we can offer him the support he needs to move on and progress.  I am incredibly grateful that we were able to access a provision for our pupil which allowed him to feel capable, successful and valued.  I have no doubt that without this, the year would have looked very different for our pupil with increased aggression, exclusions and disengagement in learning.  The move to Secondary school will be a challenging one for our pupil but I feel that with the skills and confidence he has gained from Barrow Hill, he stands a much better chance of success.  We are all really grateful for everything they have done for him.