Equality and Diversity

Equality and diversity is the concept of accepting and promoting people’s differences. The fundamental goal when promoting equality is to raise awareness and make sure that all individuals are treated equally and fairly. This is regardless of their age, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or race.

We aim to promote diversity in the classroom to help pupils recognise and respect people’s differences and to create an all-inclusive atmosphere. Our goal is to create an inclusive classroom environment – a safe place without prejudice – where pupils have the opportunity to thrive. Teaching and raising awareness of diversity works to highlight individual characteristics and traits that make people unique rather than different.Pupils need to have an understanding of equality and human rights. This knowledge helps them to understand how they should be treated and how to treat others. When we promote equality and teach these topics in our academy, we create a safe environment for our pupils to challenge, discuss, explore, and form lasting values, morals, and opinions.When pupils are taught to respect diversity, they gain knowledge and understanding that can help them to improve relationships, tackle prejudice, and make positive decisions throughout their lives. We aim for our pupils to successfully socialise into our diverse society with positive and open-minded attitudes. Our academy is committed to the active promotion of equality and opportunity for all. We are an inclusive alternative provision academy and we focus on the wellbeing and progress of every pupil and promote all members of our community to be of equal worth.

Our equality objectives are:

Objective 1: Undertake an analysis of admissions and examinations data including trends with regard to race, gender and disability annually, reporting on this to the governing body.We aim to ensure that all pupils have fair access to their education. By analysing admissions, we aim to ensure no pupil is disadvantaged by attending our provision and scrutiny aims to ensure that our academy is the most suitable provision to meet the child’s needs. In analysing examinations data, we want to overcome any trends in outcomes pertaining to race, gender and disability to ensure all pupils have received the same opportunity to succeed.

Objective 2: Encourage girls to consider non-stereotyped career options.We aim to expose all pupils regardless of gender to all different career types and reduce any stereotyped thinking towards careers. To achieve this objective we plan to:

Objective 3: Train all members of staff and governors involved in recruitment and selection on equal opportunities and non-discrimination. Safer Recruitment is of paramount importance in education. We want to ensure all staff receive the same training and understanding on recruitment processes to ensure a fair and secure recruitment process.