Progress and Achievement


The percentage of pupils leaving the academy in Year 11 for a positive destination is a key indicator of the holistic progress made by pupils attending the academy. Our support and intervention provides the foundation for young people to re-engage with learning and make progress, towards relevant qualifications and towards the next step in their academic career or the world of work. 

Esteem North academy out- performs similar schools. Nationally, the percentage of pupils making a positive destination when they leave alternative provision is 52%

Percentage of pupils leaving with a positive destination

  • Summer 2019 92% 92%
  • Summer 2020 94% 94%
  • Summer 2021 94% 94%
  • Summer 2022 97% 97%
  • Summer 2023 86% 86%
  • Summer 2024 TBC% TBC%
Outcomes 2023-24
  • ENA Comparison to national Outcomes 23-24
  • 66 of the 72 Year 11 pupils (92%) achieved an English and a Maths qualification
  • 100% of pupils achieved at least 2 outcomes. 88% of pupils achieved at least 5 outcomes, 61% at least 7 outcomes, 56% at least 8 and 24% of pupils achieved 10 or more outcomes.
  • 30% more than the national average for APs and PRUs were entered for English and Maths GCSEs or equivalent
  • 10% more than the national average for APs and PRUs were entered for 5+ GCSEs or equivalent
  • 3x more pupils achieved a grade 9-1 in GCSE or equivalent English and Maths compared to the national average for APs and PRUs
  • The total number of GCSEs or equivalent achieved was 215, an average of 3.0 per pupil, up from 2.55 per pupil last year. The number of pupils who achieved at least 1 GCSE or equivalent was 63, (88% compared to 84% last year).
  • Overall, pupils achieved a total of 547 outcomes, averaging 7.6 per pupil up from 5.8 per pupil last year. This is an increase of 1.8 additional outcomes per pupil on average.
  • The number of pupils who achieved 4 GCSEs or equivalent was 31, (43%, up from 21% last year).
  • The number of pupils who achieved 5 GCSEs or equivalent was 19, (26%, up from 0% last year).




Outcomes 2022-23

100% of pupils achieved at least one outcome

98% of pupils achieved English and Maths qualifications

3x the national AP and PRU average was achieved by pupils leaving with a GCSE or equivalent in both English and Maths

Outcomes 2021-22

90% of pupils were entered for English and Maths GCSE

80% of pupils achieved a GCSE grade 9-1 in English and Maths

30% of pupils achieved 5 GCSE grades 9-1

Outcomes 2020-21

97% of pupils left the school in 2021 having achieved a qualification in both English and Maths

83% of pupils with an EHCP left the school in 2021 having achieved a qualification in both English and Maths