Sport and Pupil Premium
The academy’s pupil premium and sport premium spending is detailed in the downloadable documents below with action plans of how we intend to spend the funding, along with statements of the impact that the funding had on some of our most vulnerable pupils.
In 2020-21 our pupil premium funding was largely spent on supporting the wellbeing and safety of our most vulnerable pupils, to ensure that they had equal and uninterrupted access to education in the wake of the pandemic. As a strategy pupil premium funding has previously been used to support the whole child – to re-engage and provide support with emotional resilience, whilst offering a bespoke curriculum to best meet the needs of disadvantaged pupils. In 2021-22 some of the funding was used to support pupils with behaviour and resilience mentoring and offer additional wellbeing opportunities such as boxing to increase fitness and self-control. In 2022-24 we used the a significant portion of the funding to support with a new curriculum offer and vocational off site alternative provisions to raise aspirations for post 16. We also used this to provide PPE for PP pupils to be able to engage in their vocational APs.
Our PE and Sport premium spending provides access to facilities and specialist teaching that is not readily available to all of our academy sites.