KS3 Curriculum

KS3 Intent

To build on both the social and academic skills that young people need to:
  • successfully re-engage back into education and
  • prepare them positively for their KS4 provision.

KS3 Implementation

Pupils are taught in carefully selected tutor groups in small classes of approximately 8-12 pupils

Learning is organised across a broad range of curriculum subjects including creative arts and skills for life

The curriculum is designed to be delivered with a change in topic every half term following Long term Plans

Pupils engage in boxing and Think for the Future behaviour resilience sessions 

Group pupils are allocated a keyworker in their tutor group who they see daily to enhance the pastoral support

KS3 Impact

Pupils thrive in our KS3 curriculum; they engage with learning and learn to enjoy being in a school environment again. 
Pupils have positive plans for their next phase of transition as they have developed their relevant social skills and ability to regulate their behaviour. They are prepared to move on to the challenges of KS4 study.

Pupils have secured the expected numeracy and literacy skills when they reach key transition points.


Our Key Stage 3 Curriculum will be delivered with a 2 yearly cycle beginning with the blue year, followed by the green year. Pupils may be on our academy roll for short periods of time and come to roll at any point in the year. Our aim is that we are a short stay provision and therefore pupils engage with the curriculum content that is being delivered as they come to roll. 

Subjects followed will provide the pupils with a broad experience to help them reintegrate back into mainstream as they largely follow the National Curriculum. Each subject is divided into topics for each of the 6 half terms throughout the year following it’s Long Term Plan.  

Should you wish to find out more about the curriculum that our academy is following, please contact David Marlow (Deputy Headteacher – Quality of education) who will be able to provide you with the relevant information.