
We have been developing our curriculum since September 2022 in order to meet the needs of our pupils.

Primary - Barrow Hill

KS3 - Hasland, High Peak

KS4 - Hasland, High Peak

Curriculum Ambition

We aim to provide a stimulating and engaging curriculum, that recognises the individual needs of our young people, to better the life chances for all. Each key stage considers the current developmental needs of pupils, and is constructed to support transition and reintegration, whilst facilitating personal and social development.
Across our curriculum we intend to:
  • promote safety and wellbeing, including the promotion of healthy lifestyles
  • promote resilience and self-regulation within a nurturing and inclusive environment that affords young people the opportunity to reflect on their behaviour and make better choices
  • provide a broad and balanced curriculum, where subjects are equally valued and where the transfer of skills is encouraged
  • ensure that progress is continuous, and that assessment is used to ensure a pupil’s readiness for the next stage or transition
  • recognise the importance of numeracy and literacy, promoting them through both subject and individually focussed delivery
  • provide high-quality Careers Education and Guidance, focussing on destinations and reintegration as a core measure for success, to ensure that pupils are fully prepared for transition, further education and employment

Should you wish to find out more about the curriculum that our academy is following, please contact David Marlow (Deputy Headteacher – Quality of education) who will be able to provide you with the relevant information.
David is also the academy SENCo and is available to discuss our various pathways and adaptations for individual pupils. David can be contacted via email or via phone on 01246 237640.

Primary Intent

To build on both the social and academic skills that young people need to:
  • Regulate their behaviour and ability to learn alongside their peers; and 
  • Successfully reintegrate into their existing or new mainstream school; or
  • Prepare them for their next key stage

KS3 Intent

To build on both the social and academic skills that young people need to either:
  • To be make increasingly positive choices to keep themselves safe; and
  • Successfully reintegrate into their existing or new mainstream school; or
  • Prepare them for KS4 provision

KS4 Intent

To prepare young people on a path to a positive destination:
  • To be make increasingly positive choices to keep themselves safe; and
  • To be functional members of their community, making a positive economic contribution; and
  • For Further Education opportunities; and / or
  • For employment

Primary Implementation

  • A Nurture Group curriculum, based upon the principles of play, communication and social development
  • Delivery underpinned by the work of Boxall, and using the Boxall Profile to inform the stages of development for individual pupils
  • Daily phonics sessions for single registered pupils
  • Daily Maths and English for single registered pupils
  • A Thematic approach to delivering english.
  • PHRE and science lessons weekly 
  • Measuring progress against the Boxall Profile in order to assess pupils’ readiness for mainstream education

KS3 Implementation

  • Pupils are taught in carefully selected tutor groups in small classes of approximately 8-12 pupils
  • Learning is organised across a broad range of curriculum subjects including creative arts and skills for life
  • The curriculum is designed to be delivered with a change in topic every Half Term following Long Term Plans
  • Pupils engage in Think for the Future behaviour resilience sessions and the Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • All pupils are allocated a keyworker in their tutor group who they see twice a day to enhance the pastoral support

KS4 Implementation

  • A blended curriculum offer
  • Academic study in the form of Entry Level Functional Skills, Functional Skills and GCSE qualifications
  • Vocational qualifications suitable to the needs and potential career pathway of the individual
  • Personal Development supported by ASDAN qualifications
  • CIAG and employability skills development
  • Work Experience offer

Primary Impact

Pupils thrive in our primary curriculum
  • They engage with learning and learn to enjoy being in school. Pupils:
  •  (1) are ready to return to mainstream education with relevant social skills and an ability to regulate their behaviour; and / or
  • (2) are prepared to move on to the challenges of mainstream  education
  • Pupils have made progress towards expected numeracy and literacy skills when they reach key transition points

    KS3 Impact

    Pupils thrive in our KS3 curriculum; they engage with learning and learn to enjoy being in a school environment again.
    Pupils have positive plans for their next phase of transition as they have developed their relevant social skills and ability to regulate their behaviour. They are prepared to move on to the challenges of KS4 study.

    Pupils have secured the expected numeracy and literacy skills when they reach key transition points.

    KS4 Impact

    Pupils leave with the knowledge, skills and qualifications that take them on to a positive destination.

    Pupils maintain a positive destination after leaving the academy.

    Pupils have secured the expected numeracy and literacy skills to successfully transition into the next stage of adult life.