Values and Ethos
Our Vision: “Inspire, Achieve, Exceed”
Our pupils will
Feel safe, valued and trusted
Recognise and achieve their full potential
Take responsibility for their behaviour, and make healthy lifestyle choices
Be positive about themselves and their future
Be tolerant of others, and of the beliefs and views of others
Be successful learners, both independently and when working with others
Be self-motivated and have high expectations
We will achieve this by
Creating a safe learning environment, free of stigma and negativity
Celebrating the success and achievements of every member of the learning community
Establishing nurturing and supportive relationships between staff and pupils
Setting high expectations for behaviour and academic success
Providing a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that provides the skills, confidence and qualifications to access opportunities in life
Innovating learning, to engage and inspire
Promoting tolerance and mutual respect
Providing opportunities for students, parents and carers to voice opinions which form part of the decision-making process
Providing an inclusive programme of learning opportunities and experiences that promote engagement